So, what's up?

A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

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Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm

Re: So, what's up?

Post by Lucretia »

talula wrote:
Lucretia wrote:Oh thank God. Someone as bored as me. And I don't even have the excuse of being pregnant.
I do feel like I have little control over my emotions, as I cried for an hour the other day because we forgot to put out the recycling. It's very weird.

Miss you back! I miss the good old days of you sleeping on my floor. I have an extra bed in my house now, if you ever need it. Of course, I moved to the midwest, so you probably will not come and live with me again. That's okay! If you go and stay in NY, I'll come and sleep on your floor!
Poor tiny Jean. You do have hormones rushing all over the place. I think you should do *outrageous* things and blame it on being pregnant. Like wear your pyjamas to social functions, and call everyone Frank, regardless of what their name is.

There will always be a place on my floor for you. With some vodka beside it.
Posts: 103
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:58 pm

Re: So, what's up?

Post by bettie »

talula wrote:Is having a drink seriously okay during the last trimester? Because I think I would trade in my cat for a glass of wine. The baby just kicked me, so I think he agrees.
It really depends who you ask. Doctor Bettie says it is A-OK, but warns you that she had three sips of wine when she was eight months pregnant last time and it got her DRUNK. Which lasted all of ten minutes, what with it only being three sips, but still. Hilarious.
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:47 pm

Re: So, what's up?

Post by starshine »

talula wrote:
bettie wrote: -I think I'm going to get in touch with my non-existent Irish ancestry and have a Guinness once I hit the third trimester
Is having a drink seriously okay during the last trimester? Because I think I would trade in my cat for a glass of wine. The baby just kicked me, so I think he agrees.
Sorry, I'm a little late with this and how I missed it earlier, I have no idea.

Anyway, when I was pregnant with Megan (24 years ago), my doctor told me I could have a glass of wine or one beer every day. Things changed, when I was pregnant for Patrick (21 years ago), it had changed to do not drink at all. Personally, I think drinking in extreme moderation is quite alright, especially in the third trimester when everything is pretty much formed. For the record, I never drank every day even with Megan but I did have an occasional drink with all three of my kids and they turned out okay. (I even smoked for all three pregnancies but I'm not advocating that at all).
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