all-in-one computers

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Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:34 am

all-in-one computers

Post by Sarah »

Does anyone here have experience with these? I'm strangely drawn to them--the idea of having a single monitor in my house is very appealing--but I tend to mistrust combo devices. Besides, all-in-ones are more expensive than desktops. On the other hand, my television is ten years old, and an all-in-one would replace it as well as my moribund Dell.

If anyone of you has used on of these suckers, you could help cut my waffling short by honoring me with your insight.
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Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:57 am

Re: all-in-one computers

Post by Rob »

I have not used one of them, though they do look very cool. </unhelpful>

My main reason for not getting one is that I like to upgrade various components of the PC as it gets older (particularly the graphics card), and this would be difficult and/or inadvisable with an all-in-one system. Plus, as you mentioned, the price difference.

On the other hand, many all-in-ones now come with a touch screen, which is kinda neat. And if you are tight for desk space, and not big on do-it-yourself upgrading, the added cost may well be justified for you. (At any rate, when you factor in the built-in monitor, the added cost is not as great.)
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