A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

The posts made here will not appear on the real WD when it re-opens.

Please note that I won't be providing any technical support for this board, as I would prefer to focus my attention on fixing the other board. So, if you're confused by anything, just try to figure things out, search the phpBB forums, ask other users for help, or just bear with it.
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Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:37 pm


Post by JupiterAmy »

Awww! That is super fantastic! Congratulations!
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
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Location: Back of Beyond....then left a bit.


Post by Sam_Spade »

Bloody well done, m'dear, the little blighters won't know whats hit them. :mrgreen:

Advice? :?:

1)Show no fear. :?

2)Ask Mr Ball, he's been in the trenches for a few years, and has the scars to prove it. :D

I'm very pleased for you. [heart]
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

Sam Spade to Joel Cairo ~ The Maltese Falcon.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:43 pm


Post by costello_girl »

Oh, congratulations!!

talula gives most excellent advice for the year of your training. I am not sure exactly how your training/education will work, but I suspect there are similarities to what I went through 7 years ago. So, in short, here is my advice: just remember that you will learn nearly everything about teaching from the doing of it, not reading about it and not listening to lectures about it. It will take you at least three years before you will feel like you have the first clue what you are doing, so don't get freaked out in your first job. Focus on classroom management most at first, then after about 3 months you can start to ease up and have some fun. Learn from other teachers, pick their brains constantly, ask to observe their classes, make them your allies. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or help. Show enthusiasm for the work and many of your mistakes will be forgiven. And believe me, you will make mistakes, but all the best teachers do.

You are going to be FANTASTIC!!
Posts: 100
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:40 pm


Post by mgan »

OHMYGOD! Congratulations!!!

I agree with wise Talula, start strong. Smile and nod, skim first and last paragraph and first and last sentence of each paragraph of readings. Then go through and find three or four examples they discuss in the reading and be ready to bring it up.

Do really well on your first few assignments. Read and reread for errors, typos, spelling, etc. Get a friend to read it over. Many teachers use that first grade as a benchmark to understand what kind of student you are.

Please don't text in class. It makes me want to scream and throw the phones out the window.

Have fun getting buggered in the showers!
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:24 am


Post by Delle »

Congratulations! If you'd like to ask anything of an actual primary school teacher (one who mentors PGCE students, no less), I'll offer my husband to you. He's currently quite stressed (he's teaching year 6 this year), but still usually very willing to help (note, I haven't run this past him, which is why the usually, I've never known him turn down a request for help though). Just be prepared for an anti SATs rant to be included.
Posts: 197
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:31 pm


Post by Lucretia »

Delle wrote:Congratulations! If you'd like to ask anything of an actual primary school teacher (one who mentors PGCE students, no less), I'll offer my husband to you. He's currently quite stressed (he's teaching year 6 this year), but still usually very willing to help (note, I haven't run this past him, which is why the usually, I've never known him turn down a request for help though). Just be prepared for an anti SATs rant to be included.
Oh thank you, Danielle! I'd be grateful for any advice you or mUrt could give me.

I think you may know my e-mail address / may be able to get it from someone else. That would be much appreciated.
Posts: 78
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:45 pm


Post by Techboy »

Lucretia wrote:I have been unconditionally accepted into my university of choice, to to primary school training!

I did it, you guys! A foot on the ladder of my life's ambitions!

[edited for brevity]
You were so kind on my post, and realized I never responded to yours, so a big "HI" and GOOD JOB all around! May the road raise up to meet you, and may all your dreams be fulfilled.
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums
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