Dollhouse's numbers, and how you can help

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Dollhouse's numbers, and how you can help

Post by mouse »

Whedonesque has a link to the ratings for last night's Dollhouse, and easy suggestions on how we can help support the show.
Things you can do that actually help:

- Digg the first episode.
- Watch on Hulu. Then rate it.
- Buy the episodes on Amazon.
- Or watch on
- Crank up your TiVo and watch that recorded copy you made.
- Ask people if they've seen the show.
- Watch next week.
As I type this post, I have the episode playing in seperate windows on both and Hulu.
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

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Re: Dollhouse's numbers, and how you can help

Post by Delle »

Well, I can't do any of that stuff, but how was it? Is it something I'm going to be very sad about if/when it get canceled before it even gets over here?
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Re: Dollhouse's numbers, and how you can help

Post by CassyLee »

but how was it?
If I get the envelope sitting on my table in the mail today, you'll know soon enough ;) . But personally, I'm afraid I was a little underwhelmed. I'm hoping there's some substantial improvement in the next episode - this one seemed so chock-full of pedestrian dialogue that I felt very let down. I don't mind a silly premise (some of my favorite shows have had seemingly ridiculous premises), but I need acting, scripts, or at the very least, set design, that makes me love the premise. That hasn't happened yet - but I'm willing to give the show a few more tries before I mark it down as the first time Whedon & I don't get along from the very beginning of a show of his ;).
Dr Horrible
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Re: Dollhouse's numbers, and how you can help

Post by Dr Horrible »

This was on Facebook today:

Joss Whedon's DOLLHOUSE a Hit On iTunes and Hulu!
From Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy creator Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku's new FOX show "Dollhouse" earned a total of 4.7 million viewers and a 2.0 share of adults aged 18 to 49 this past Friday.

But the show didn't stop there, "Dollhouse" has become a major hit on iTunes, passing "Battlestar Galactica" as the store's number one purchased download yesterday. It's also one of the five most popular episodes available on Hulu right now.

Make sure you join the millions of others and watch the premiere episode of DOLLHOUSE -- now at your own convenience! Search "Dollhouse" in the iTunes store or visit Hulu directly and watch it for free:

Make sure you catch an all-new episode of DOLLHOUSE this Friday at 9/8c, only on FOX!
Look at me man, I'm moist. I mean at my most bad-ass I make people feel like they want to take a shower. I'm not E.L. material.

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