Debate this!

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Debate this!

Post by Ghost »

There's an old saying, "There are three sides to every argument, yours, mine, and truth". The problem is that in most debates, most people argue as if their side is the only valid point. I think the reason why, is that they are afraid that if they "give them an inch, they will take a mile, at least when they realize that there are valid points to the opposing side (let's face it, the most vocal people in most debates are usually too stupid to be arguing anything).

So what do you think, does it weaken, strengthen, or not impact your argument if you acknowledge the valid points of the opposing side's point of view?
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Re: Debate this!

Post by JupiterAmy »

It depends on who you're arguing against.
" I'm a screw-up, and I plan to be a screw-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties. "
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Re: Debate this!

Post by MdmeAlbertine »

I think it depends on who your audience is. I, for one, think that an argument is stronger if I can see that the person making the point has considered all angles, including the valid points of the other side, and still came to the conclusion they're arguing. If I think they didn't know about or didn't care about refuting evidence, I would find their arguments much less persuasive.

But I know there are people who don't think that way. People who only like to present facts that support or can be twisted to support their side, and if it doesn't support, it must not be true.
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Re: Debate this!

Post by Lucretia »

It is quite obvious to me that you are a gun-toting, Republican, pro-choice lesbian cliché.


In my job, it helps me to concede the other point of view (although this relates to banking practices etc.. but hey, things like that can get heated at work, you do the freaking thing 8 hours a day). It helps me get places and achieve targets. Also, I am not a five year old and I think it's a good skill to learn.

And with someone I don't agree with (in a not-work situation), but is being reasonable. I am MUCH more likely to concede, smile, and buy them a drink if they are not being a cock about it. And come to a better and deeper understanding. And really think about what they said.

But I have certain topical flashpoints that I tend to react instinctively and passionately to. I suspect a lot of us have the same ones - racism, abortion, guns, etc.

It is SO deeply ingrained in me to think that citizens owning guns is utterly ludicrous, that it gave me an actual headache to totally sympathise with ... I think it was Zathras's?? other point of view.

In another random thought, although this isn't universally true by any means, your views are shaped by your parents' views. A LOT.

Re: Debate this!

Post by Flaime »

To be perfectly honest, I don't debate much. It's not a skill that, even with practice, I would master because deliberately stupid people infuriate me to the point of physical violence.

On the other hand, I am certainly more tolerant of people who have considered my side of an issue than those who haven't..
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