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Post by talula »

What's up?
Posts: 77
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:19 am

Re: So.....

Post by MenleyNin »

For starters, I still don't know how to reply directly to a specific post without hitting the quote button and deleting the quote mark-up. It's been six months, so I thought I'd have figured that out by now.

I spent my birthday watching BtVS episodes with a gal who is relatively new to the fan fold. I haven't squeed that much in years. Yay for new converts! (Also, she made omelets and coffee chocolate chip muffins. At that point, she could have been a die-hard fan of Growing Pains, for all I cared.)

My mother called me by my correct name six out of nine times on our last visit.

I found the joy that is pita pizzas.

All in all, life is decent.
Drop Edge of Yonder
When I bit into it, I could hear the ocean.
Posts: 190
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:58 pm

Re: So.....

Post by Ghost »

Ricardo Montalban passed away.

Posts: 111
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:06 am
Location: Back of Beyond....then left a bit.

Re: So.....

Post by Sam_Spade »

Ghost wrote:Ricardo Montalban passed away.


So did Patrick McGoohan :cry:

Be seeing you.
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

Sam Spade to Joel Cairo ~ The Maltese Falcon.

Re: So.....

Post by Guest »

I apparently finally caught the lvoely flu bug that hsas been going around. It's so much fun! Why didn't I catch it earlier??

Um. What else? Oh. Gas prices dropped. But now they're creeping back up again.

And we put our Netflix account on hold. I miss those little red envelopes something fierce. But, on the bright side, we're saving a little bit of money each month. And we can get movies and tv shows on DVD from the library for free. So.

What 'bout you?
Posts: 108
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:54 pm

Re: So.....

Post by talula »

I think I actually have a job I want to keep, so that's good. I have a regular schedule and I'm not on-call anymore. I have Monday off, too. However, I made a dentist appointment for 7am because I didn't realize that.

Also, however, my S.O. is getting laid off from his job for a few months at least so sort of freaking out about money, and also putting baby-making plans on hold. Stupid babies, requiring medical care and money. Considering going back to caveman roots and living out of a cave. People probably had less stress back then.

Waiting for cinnamon rolls to get out of the oven and for new Battlestar Galactica to come on.

I starting going to the gym, which makes me feel better in the long run and is a good stress reliever overall. However, weight loss efforts are not working. Possibly due to things like cinnamon rolls, however, the jury's still out on the actual cause and effect of this relationship.

It's really cold here, which is making me rethink my cave plan.

That's it!
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:00 am

Re: So.....

Post by Sylvain »

I joined the annoying hordes: I bought a cell phone.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:38 pm

Re: So.....

Post by Butterfly »

Started my second semester of my second year of college, anticipating an onslaught of essays and reading - although so far so good. Temperatures here reached 40 below for nearly a week. Today, we are at +8C. Loving the dramatic changes!! Hopefully this is indicative of long-term warm weather :)

I got Buffy season 3 for Christmas from a dear friend who knows me far too well. I celebrated by watching them all on Boxing Day and only getting off of the couch four times. It's so excellent to get back to the good stuff ;)
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:53 am

Re: So.....

Post by Tonke »

First for MenleyNin, scroll down to the last post, look at the left down corner, you'll see a post reply button. Or that's where I found mine ;)

To answer the question now. Well, I am enjoying some alone time at the moment. I need to figure out some things, and my friends, thoug loved dearly and really trying, confused me. So I asked them to leave me alone for a week and got what I wished for ;)

Also, I recently became a mom. Look at my babies!

Ok, I know that's cheating. :P

I also spend the Christmas holiday in Florida, where the temperature ran up in the 80s, while back home the temp was in the twenties, so ha! I got a nice tan, and loved the relaxation time. Now I am back to work, and looking forward to get a proper (permanent) contract in two months, so that's a yay. Oh and I am still single after my break up last August, and almost fine with it now. ;)
Christine who is not logged in

Re: So.....

Post by Christine who is not logged in »

talula wrote:Waiting for cinnamon rolls to get out of the oven and for new Battlestar Galactica to come on.

This is <i>exactly the same thing</i> I did Friday.
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