What I did for New Years

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What I did for New Years

Post by Techboy »

Well, Happy 2009! I spent New Years in San Antonio, TX. If you ever get a chance, come to San Antonio - its more then just the Alamo. I posted a video on YouTube - 1:00 minute of fireworks with the "Hemasphere" in the foreground. When I get a photo sharing site set up, I'll post the stills asz well.

What did you do for New Years?

Edited: Added the above question, thus not seeming so self centered, and more well liked.
From the mind of the official Techboy (R) of the Temporary forums
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Re: What I did for New Years

Post by Lucretia »

I went to the Chanter (which some WDers may remember as the Hogshead, where we went in New Year 2003, I think, and discussed David Dickinson covered in tuna mayonnaise) to meet friends.

Then after a few (Michael had to go home to the wife bless him) we went back to mine, I changed into my pyjamas, we drank wine, played Trivial Pursuit, Bruce came round at midnight, and was sick in my sink.

Don't say I don't know how to party!
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Re: What I did for New Years

Post by talula »

I had a small get-together in my basement, where everyone alternated between playing pool, rockband ( I actually got a blister on my finger from playing the drums too hard), cards, battleship and Buffy 20 questions. I, however, never deviated from drinking vodka. At 2:30am, some guy I barely knew started telling a very long overly-detailed story about finding out his girlfriend was cheating on him, telling it in a very monotone voice with eyes looking out in the distance. I kept expecting the next sentence to be 'And to this day, no one's found the body....'

Spent the next day sleeping on and off on the couch feeling like any moment, I was about start being productive. Getting drunk is more wearing out than it used to be. Maybe I just used to have less to do.

Today, while getting changed in the gym locker room, I pulled a muscle in my back. Seriously, self, you are ridiculous.
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Re: What I did for New Years

Post by Sam_Spade »

Lucretia wrote:I went to the Chanter (which some WDers may remember as the Hogshead, where we went in New Year 2003, I think, and discussed David Dickinson covered in tuna mayonnaise) to meet friends.
That's.....disturbing, off the scale disturbing :?
Lucretia wrote: Bruce came round at midnight, and was sick in my sink.

That's expected. :mrgreen:

My niece was generous enough to give me her cold at Christmas, which only showed itself at around 5pm on new years eve, i stayed awake long enough to see in the new year then gave into the man flu and retired to my bed for the next 17 hours.
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

Sam Spade to Joel Cairo ~ The Maltese Falcon.

Re: What I did for New Years

Post by Jonathan »

I drank too many black Russians and passed out at about 21.30 but woke up for the bells at midnight to share jim beam black label and Braveheart with Bruce and Helene until I was sick in the same sink as Bruce and then passed out again. The best news? Yes, I am single. :D
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Re: What I did for New Years

Post by Lucretia »

Sam_Spade wrote:
Lucretia wrote:I went to the Chanter (which some WDers may remember as the Hogshead, where we went in New Year 2003, I think, and discussed David Dickinson covered in tuna mayonnaise) to meet friends.
That's.....disturbing, off the scale disturbing :?
I still don't remember why. There were even hand gestures. And photos.
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Re: What I did for New Years

Post by Iago »

Lucretia wrote:we ... discussed David Dickinson covered in tuna mayonnaise to meet friends.
It seems you would meet very specific sorts of friends using that discussion as bait.

Mgan and I watched Bourne Identity, then sat up with a sick baby. Poor little guy.

But he's doing much better today.
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Location: Back of Beyond....then left a bit.

David Dickinson

Post by Sam_Spade »

For the benefit of those who have no idea who he is, this is David Dickinson

So is this

Do not adjust your screen, he is that orange.

Hence the "disturbing" comment. :shock:
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

Sam Spade to Joel Cairo ~ The Maltese Falcon.
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Re: What I did for New Years

Post by Pataouet »

I was at a friend's pirate-themed party.

For once I didn't drink too much: I was still feeling the effect of the cold I got two weeks earlier.
We had some fun and went to bed around 4.30.

And the said cold got the best of me and I finaly went to see a doctor. Poor me.
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