Serenity two-disc DVD set on sale for $6.99 at Best Buy!

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Serenity two-disc DVD set on sale for $6.99 at Best Buy!

Post by mouse »

Awesome price...if you don't have this yet...go get it now!
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

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Re: Serenity two-disc DVD set on sale for $6.99 at Best Buy!

Post by Rob »

Oo, turns out it's the same price at Amazon.

So that should work out for most people -- you can snag it from Best Buy if it's convenient to you, or Amazon otherwise. No excuses people! Buy that disc!
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