Buffy Movie - A Reality?

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Dr. Unholy
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Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Dr. Unholy »

Didn't see a post about this here, so I figured I'd make one. If I missed it, many apologies:
Rumor floating around on all my horror sites is that a Buffy movie is being pushed for fairly hard after the success of Twilight.

Can follow the links but here is the gist:

The monster success of girly vampire pic Twilight at the US Box office last weekend could kick open the door for a big-screen return of Joss Whedon’s much-loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Rumours are circulating in Hollywood that Whedon has a feature-film script based on his hit TV series ready to roll as soon as a studio is prepared to commit..


While still a rumor, no doubt that Whedon odds are has a Buffy script around since movies were rumored on and odd. And naturally if Twilight can get such massive hype, bringing back Buffy and Angel for a movie should blow away Twilight's gross. Studios looking for a bottom line can easily see money signs here since Buffy is still selling on DVD.
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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Stussy88 »

Dr. Unholy wrote:Didn't see a post about this here, so I figured I'd make one. If I missed it, many apologies:
Rumor floating around on all my horror sites is that a Buffy movie is being pushed for fairly hard after the success of Twilight.

Can follow the links but here is the gist:

The monster success of girly vampire pic Twilight at the US Box office last weekend could kick open the door for a big-screen return of Joss Whedon’s much-loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Rumours are circulating in Hollywood that Whedon has a feature-film script based on his hit TV series ready to roll as soon as a studio is prepared to commit..


While still a rumor, no doubt that Whedon odds are has a Buffy script around since movies were rumored on and odd. And naturally if Twilight can get such massive hype, bringing back Buffy and Angel for a movie should blow away Twilight's gross. Studios looking for a bottom line can easily see money signs here since Buffy is still selling on DVD.
Great news. One hopes the story would be strong and they don't succumb to the temptation of just cashing in.

Question is, do you think SMG or Hannigan would do it? The rest of the cast could probably be persuaded I imagine but those two may have moved on a bit?
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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Sam_Spade »

Hmm, I'll believe it when I'm sat in the cinema, surrounded by WDers. :geek:

I doubt if any of the television cast would be interested or wanted in fact

That's not to say i would not be cock-a-hoop if it did happen :mrgreen:
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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by zandersmom »

is it me, or is that link dead?

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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Ghost »

I couldn't get anything other than the frame.
Dr. Unholy
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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Dr. Unholy »

http://www.dreadcentral.com/story/buffy ... big-screen

Try that one. No real new information however.

I'd probably class this in the same category as the Spike and Illyria made for TV movies... and we all know how well those panned out. Even if Buffy did make it to the big screen... should it? After the abysmal seasons 6, 7, and 8 I really have to think Buffy was a franchise that went on longer than it naturally should have.

Still, it's an interesting little tid-bit.
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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by olthar »

I'd probably class this in the same category as the Spike and Illyria made for TV movies... and we all know how well those panned out. Even if Buffy did make it to the big screen... should it? After the abysmal seasons 6, 7, and 8 I really have to think Buffy was a franchise that went on longer than it naturally should have.
The was an x-files movie
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Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Stussy88 »

Dr. Unholy wrote:http://www.dreadcentral.com/story/buffy ... big-screen

I'd probably class this in the same category as the Spike and Illyria made for TV movies... and we all know how well those panned out.
I don't know how these panned out. How did they pan out?
Duane Dibley

Re: Buffy Movie - A Reality?

Post by Duane Dibley »

Stussy88 wrote:I don't know how these panned out. How did they pan out?
Short version - they didn't.

(Discussed for ages, everyone thought they might have been a good idea, never took off. Possibly casting problems. There was talk of a Faith movie at some point as well, which also ended up in the bin.)
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