Help! Beef Roast!

A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by costello_girl »

Julia doesn't mention searing at all, but I suspect the 15 minutes at 450 does essentially the same thing. A rub should work just fine, but definitely use the oil first- it seals in the juices. I have also cut tiny holes in the roast and inserted garlic slices all over. Well, not with a beef roast, only lamb, but I can't imagine it wouldn't be just a kick-ass with beef!
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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by mgan »

I've done the garlic trick too. Very nice!
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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by Sarah »

costello_girl wrote:I have also cut tiny holes in the roast and inserted garlic slices all over.
I was just going to suggest this. Should've known you'd beat me to it, c_g. Inserting little sprigs of rosemary and/or thyme is nice, too.
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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by costello_girl »

Aren't you going to tell us how it turned out? I mean, since you didn't invite any of us over...

Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by Nerdgirl »

Mmm. Food talk.

So, we just got a slow cooker. I do recall some hints of you preparing a Mexican slow cooker book. I am so ready to recipe test!!!
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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by BigEvil »

Heh... I've been a bad internet junkie all... sorry.

It was AMAZING!!!

I had to cut it in half and make two roasts. But everyone enjoyed it, it was so juicy and tasty and my homemade au jus was being sipped out of cups like soup it was so popular.

I basically did an herb and spice rub, seared it off in a pan with olive oil, roasted it at 450 for about 20 minutes and at 250 the rest of the way until it hit 145F internal.

The au jus I made first by sauteeing an onion in a miz of butter and olive oil, added the drippings of both roasting pans as well as beef stock, worstishire, garlic, salt and pepper, a big pad of butter and reduced it by a third. Divine.

Maybe at the next WD party. I could be persuaded/bribed/seduced into making it.
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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by Sarah »

I'm really and truly not trying to be snarky here, but why do people call such sauces "au jus"? Surely, "jus" alone would be sufficient (and correct).
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Re: Help! Beef Roast!

Post by BigEvil »

Why do they call streets "Vista View"?
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