Canadians, explain please!

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Canadians, explain please!

Post by CassyLee »

I was on a soap opera board this morning & saw a post that claimed the Canadian government is about to be toppled. After hunting on (U.S.) news websites a lot longer than I think I should have, I finally found this, but I want to know more....

So what's the skinny? Why are our northern neighbors trying to distract us from important matters like which car executive will perform the biggest publicity stunt in an effort to convince Congress they're sincere? How can I properly concentrate all my focus on Britney's birthday celebration if y'all are overthrowing your government 6 weeks after elections (and if you give folks around here ideas about overthrowing Obama, I'm going to take you out to the woodshed)?
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Re: Canadians, explain please!

Post by Podgy »

My friend did a pretty good blog post about it here:

Re: Canadians, explain please!

Post by Nerdgirl »

Here's my take on it:

Stephen Harper (Conservative PM) was elected to his second minority government six weeks ago. He has consistently behaved as if he had a full majority and the Liberals pretty much rolled over and let him. Last week, he put forward an "economic statement" that did little to actually address the economy, but rather would finally destroy the finances of the other parties and remove the right to strike of federal workers. This pushed the other parties past the tipping point. Furious that he'd used hard economic times as an excuse to further his political ambitions, the Liberals and NDP (with the cooperation of the Bloc) formed a coalition that promised to bring down the government when the "financial update" confidence vote came up. Because an election was so recent, consensus was the the Governor General would have little choice but to allow the coalition an opportunity to form the government. Realising that he'd finally gone one step too far, Harper panicked, recanted most of the political crap and begged the Governor General to prorogue Parliament (stop all activity until late January, delaying any confidence votes until he can put forth a proper budget that will presumably pander to the other parties for a change). Essentially he ran scared and is planning to blitz the country with propaganda over Christmas. I think he might pull this one out of his ass, but I'm still not sure. I do hope it means he deals with the other parties in a more cooperative fashion. And that's my somewhat biased take.
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Re: Canadians, explain please!

Post by Stussy88 »

CassyLee wrote:I was on a soap opera board this morning & saw a post that claimed the Canadian government is about to be toppled. After hunting on (U.S.) news websites a lot longer than I think I should have, I finally found this, but I want to know more....

So what's the skinny? Why are our northern neighbors trying to distract us from important matters like which car executive will perform the biggest publicity stunt in an effort to convince Congress they're sincere? How can I properly concentrate all my focus on Britney's birthday celebration if y'all are overthrowing your government 6 weeks after elections (and if you give folks around here ideas about overthrowing Obama, I'm going to take you out to the woodshed)?
I did read talk of a legal challenge to Obama on the basis he wasn't born in the US, which I believe is a legal requirement to be President. That said, I can't believe any judge would DQ they guy now.
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Re: Canadians, explain please!

Post by Sarah »

I believe the latest challenge has to do with the fact that his father was not an American citizen, which might mean that Obama has dual citizenship.
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Re: Canadians, explain please!

Post by mgan »

Nerdgirl wrote:Here's my take on it:

Stephen Harper (Conservative PM) was elected to his second minority government six weeks ago. He has consistently behaved as if he had a full majority and the Liberals pretty much rolled over and let him. Last week, he put forward an "economic statement" that did little to actually address the economy, but rather would finally destroy the finances of the other parties and remove the right to strike of federal workers. This pushed the other parties past the tipping point. Furious that he'd used hard economic times as an excuse to further his political ambitions, the Liberals and NDP (with the cooperation of the Bloc) formed a coalition that promised to bring down the government when the "financial update" confidence vote came up. Because an election was so recent, consensus was the the Governor General would have little choice but to allow the coalition an opportunity to form the government. Realising that he'd finally gone one step too far, Harper panicked, recanted most of the political crap and begged the Governor General to prorogue Parliament (stop all activity until late January, delaying any confidence votes until he can put forth a proper budget that will presumably pander to the other parties for a change). Essentially he ran scared and is planning to blitz the country with propaganda over Christmas. I think he might pull this one out of his ass, but I'm still not sure. I do hope it means he deals with the other parties in a more cooperative fashion. And that's my somewhat biased take.
What Nerdgirl said.

Oh yeah, and that Harper is a douchebag.
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