The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

A temporary board while I'm working out issues with the real WD.

The posts made here will not appear on the real WD when it re-opens.

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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by Dellraven »

My beautiful WDers.

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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by MdmeAlbertine »

So I seem to have left my camera in California...I'll post my pictures as soon as I get it back. :oops:

Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by CosmicAvatar »

I'm finally back home (SOB) after an AWESOME holiday, and very , very tired, but here are my highlights:

-Getting to meet new WDers! Namely MdmeAlbertine, mouse, MenleyNin, kirielle, Soupytwist and starshine. Fantastic to see you guys in person at last.
-Seeing some of my favourite WDers again. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
-Being surprised with a mystery guest (our very own Bally). There was much squealage when we found that out.
-Playing six rounds of Ring Of Fire (a new record!). And I played every round, with alcohol, unlike some of you lightweights, hahaha. (Yes, I should be ashamed, but somehow I just can't.)
-Walking on the beach.
-Hanging out with the lovely Cassy (and having the notoriously shy Gizmo prowling around in the evenings once it got quieter).
-Fooooooooooooooooooooooooood! Barbies, IHOP, Ruby's, Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden... all of it.
-Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekery! (Heroes and House rocked, and there were several HIMYM marathons. Awesome.)
-Sun! Warmth! I am going to miss that horribly now that I am back in the UK with the clocks gone back and the temperature down.

I am so, so glad I stayed longer this time because it was a wonderful time. Cassy is the best hostess bar none.

I'm probably going to collapse again soon (bloody lack of sleep and jet lag). I doubt I have any photos to speak of because I suck and basically left it to the far more talented Callie to capture the moments, but will post quotes soon...
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by Cazzle »

I'm gonna reply properly tomorrow, when I have had sleep, but... what an IMMENSE party. :)

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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by tinkcat »

BigEvil wrote:Yay! Pictures!

Those aren't encriminating at all, actually! :D

Just wait for the quotes...
Oh God no! :oops:

I don't remember much of what I said, but I do remember yelling at Simon to PUT THE DAMN PEN DOWN!!! :D
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by CassyLee »

I had a wonderful time hosting the party - either I really luck out and just always get awesome guests, or the WD is just full of awesome people ;) . Apparently I'll be hosting another party in 2010 - after all, Rian's nickname is "she who must be obeyed." So if folks want to suggest dates (and we must make sure Rian is still around to do all the organizing & to continue with her awesome airport duties), start now & I'll start trying to get Gizmo the therapy he'll need to survive another influx :D .

BTW, so far I've found three things left behind: Amanda's camera, a pair of shoes (Bradi's I think?), and a hairbrush. Anyone want to claim ownership of the brush?
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by BigEvil »

I must say that I had a wonderful time. I'm glad I went and am a total poopy-head for the temporary dither.

Being around such wonderful people is the greatest cure for an ailing soul.

I drank quite a bit. I'm surprised I didn't do anything scandalous. Did I even grab anyone's ass once? Did I even come onto anyone? At least I was funny... right?
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by Cazzle »

BigEvil wrote: I drank quite a bit. I'm surprised I didn't do anything scandalous. Did I even grab anyone's ass once? Did I even come onto anyone? At least I was funny... right?
Dude, between you and Will, I could barely keep up with you both in the quotebook.

(Simon's appearance was a secret and beforehand, I decided that someone had to write the funnies down!)
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by MdmeAlbertine »

Now that you bring it up...was it just me, or was there a serious lack of sexual innuendo at this party? I remember Rich warning about possible impropriety but I don't remember any follow through.

Frankly, I'm a little disappointed. This board has a certain reputation, and I didn't even see any boobs.
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by mouse »

MdmeAlbertine wrote: This board has a certain reputation, and I didn't even see any boobs.
Pfft. We all saw yours. :twisted:

;) j/k
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin
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