The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Post by MenleyNin »

Thirding MadameAmanda, although I wasn't hung over. I did, however, miss my flight and was stuck at LAX for nine hours, and then at ATL for another seven. I was so afraid Arkansas was going to disappear before I got back.

Also, you better not be having any fun without me.
Drop Edge of Yonder
When I bit into it, I could hear the ocean.
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Post by mouse »

Shit, Bradi, you missed your flight? That sucks! (But how can you worry that Arkansas would disappear, when it never really existed to begin with?)

I am fourthing MadameAmanda, though also not hungover. I made my flights and am now in my own bed. The cat missed me terribly and yelled at me.

Pictures will be forthcoming soon.

On the plane I wrote down (well, typed) how to play Ring of Fire. But for the life of me, I can't remember what happens when you get a queen! Can someone enlighten me, please?

Had an awesome, fantabulous, spectacular time. I LOVED meeting and spending time with each and every one of you! I miss you all already and was so sad to leave today.

*hugs and kisses*
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Post by MenleyNin »

mouse wrote:Shit, Bradi, you missed your flight? That sucks!
Yeah, it did kind of suck -- but only because I knew you guys were only 35 miles away. It was a(n) (under)staffing issue on the part of the airline rather than my own incompetence, which made me feel a little better. But it was (mostly) okay. I did have to take a whore's* bath in the restroom at about 5 a.m., but I also got to see a Z-list celebrity at LAX at 4:30 a.m.

Once I finally arrived in Atlanta, I rode the train around the terminals for hours and hours. I also spent a lot of time talking to all the old ladies being pushed around in those funky red airport wheel chairs; by the time I was done, I had three brooches, two watches you actually have to wind, and five Cameo pendants. Plus, I got two sets of Dora the Explorer earrings from the Target collection by pretending to coo over kids. (Four-year-old girls are so gullible; they will totally fall for that dime-behind-the-ear-fake-magic thing EVERY SINGLE TIME.)

I also ate at the Mandarin Express, like, eight times. (Tip: skip the Lo Mein.)

*Please note I did not say "ho" bath, because I know how that diminutive gets your goat. Ha! GOAT!!!!!
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Post by Gandalf »

I'm suddenly feeling very sorry for MdmeAlbertine, as it appears that she was the only person to suffer a hangover the next day. That sucks!
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Post by MdmeAlbertine »

Yes, not being able to handle my liquor is a recurring theme in my life. However, compared to the symptoms I get with my heat problem, being hungover is a piece of cake.
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews

Post by tinkcat »

My house is so boring! It needs more WDers...

I managed to lure the leftover Brits to my gingerbread house yesterday with Yahtzee and Cash Cab episodes, but now they're gone and I'm sad. :cry:

I had such a wonderful time with all you crazy people this weekend. I'm going to keep a close eye on Rich's blog listing post and I will do my best to stalk you all. You know, until I get bored with it.

See you at Cassy's in 2010! ;)
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by mouse »

Here are my pics! Anyone who was there is free to copy these. I can't wait to see others' pictures, too!
"The massage area. Why? To increase the nudity." ~Joss Whedon

"It's a miraculous thing, the hoohoo. I once saw a woman fit one of those minicars full of clowns in her hoohoo." ~Ghost

"Two by two, boobs of blue." ~MenleyNin
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by grace »

First of guys got Bally and I had no idea. Now I'm beyond bummed about not being there.

Otherwise, awesome pics. It was sorta strange to look at some of the group shots and think, "I love everyone of those people and I've only actually had face time with two of them." The two of you know who you are! [eyebrow]

And Amanda H....You and I look alike...well we'd look more alike if I stopped farting around with my hair color.
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by BigEvil »

Yay! Pictures!

Those aren't encriminating at all, actually! :D

Just wait for the quotes...
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Re: The tin g of fire takes No prisoenrews -- NOW, WITH PICS!!!!

Post by kirielle »

Awww, mouse. Your pictures make me want to be there again.

Sheesh. :D I promise to post mine as soon as I can find my USB cord. Yes.
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