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Join Comixology Unlimited to read BtVS comics — The Complete Buffy Episode Guide
The Players
Rupert Giles / Anthony Stewart Head

Giles' Bio

Rupert Giles was born in England into a family of Watchers (those who train and guide Slayers) — both his father and grandmother were Watchers. The young Giles was disappointed to find out that he was destined to be a Watcher; he had wanted to be a fighter pilot or a grocer. He attended Oxford University, but attempted to reject his destiny and instead rebelled and dabbled in the occult with his friends (who called him "Ripper"), at one point summoning the demon Eyghon to Earth. Giles eventually straightened out and gave in to his destiny, working as a museum curator in England until the Watcher's Council assigned him to Buffy in Sunnydale. Giles, while also working as the Sunnydale High librarian, developed a close father-daughter-like relationship with Buffy, despite the fact that she is an untraditional, somewhat incorrigible Slayer. Giles doesn't seem to have many friends, though he dated computer science teacher Jenny Calendar (until she was killed by Angelus), had a one night stand with Joyce while both were under the influence of poisoned candy (rendering them like teenagers), and a few passing liaisons with a British woman named Olivia. Giles is well-read and intelligent, can play the guitar, fence, and read five languages — and, if necessary, he can hold his own in a fight. Giles has always been straight-laced and stereotypically British, but he has loosened up a bit since he was fired from his post as Watcher (after interfering with the Council's rite of passage test for Buffy). After the gang graduated from high school, Giles was unemployed for a while, except for guitar performances at the Espresso Pump, but he eventually took over a magic shop, The Magic Box, after the previous owner was killed by Harmony's vampire gang, and turned it into a successful business. Buffy also managed to bully the Watcher's Council into rehiring him as her official watcher, complete with retroactive pay. After Buffy's death at the end of Season 5, Giles moved back to England. He returned to Sunnydale when she was resurrected, but later felt that it was best for Buffy if he left, so that she could learnt to be more independent. He did visit at the end of Season 6, in order to help the gang stop Willow, who had gone a bit mad after Tara's death and was trying to end the world. After this incident, Willow went to stay with him for a few months, to learn how to control the magic now within her. Giles now remains in England.
    (The Watcher's Guide was used as a reference for seasons one and two.)

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Anthony's Bio

Anthony Stewart Head, 71, was raised in Hampton, England (near London). Anthony is the son of documentary filmmaker Seafield Head and actress Helen Shingler. He studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, and got his first big break playing Jesus in "Godspell." He went on to star in a number of theater productions, including "The Rocky Horror Show," in which he played the transvestite Frank N. Furter. Anthony also appeared in many BBC productions, and some American ones as well, but he may be best known in the U.S. for his role in a series of thirteen commercials for Taster's Choice (Gold Blend in England), in which he and his female neighbor courted over coffee. In his free time, Anthony is working on a script for a animated, musical feature film, in the vein of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." He lives in England with his long-time girlfriend and their children. Anthony enjoys horse-riding, swimming, and singing, and has been known to watch "Sunset Beach" and "The Young and the Restless."

Birthdate: February 20, 1954
Birthplace: Camden Town, England
Height: Unknown
Eyes/Hair: Hazel/brown
Siblings: Murray, a theater actor
Dating status: Lives (in England) with Sarah Fisher. They have two children, Emily, 14, and Daisy, 12.

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Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five
Bargaining, Part One
Life Serial
All The Way
Once More, With Feeling
Tabula Rasa
Two To Go

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Upcoming Appearances - Pop in to see when you can catch Anthony on TV or in the movies.
Anthony's category of the Link Database - Links to fan sites.
Anthony's complete filmography at the Internet Movie Database.

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