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- Includes the Gender Test, the Bitch Test, the Purity Test, and more.
ID: 796 URL: http://www.thespark.com
Hits: 613 Rating: 9.25 Votes: 7 Added: Feb 13, 2001
- My personal site containing my blog - with my thoughts on philosophy, movies and TV shows - online copies of philosophical essays I've written, a glossary of some philosophical terms, a list of the greatest western philosophers, and some links.
ID: 2131 URL: http://www.elliotcross.com
Hits: 245 Rating: 7.75 Votes: 4 Added: Apr 09, 2002
Dark Commandos
- A live action internet series about a team of vampires working as an elite covert assassination and special ops unit for the United States government.
ID: 695 URL: http://www.darkcommandos.com/
Hits: 320 Rating: 7.00 Votes: 3 Added: Jan 16, 2001
Design BY John Hood
- Showcase for my multimedia skills, with Buffy-related fun too!
ID: 1604 URL: http://homepage.mac.com/johnhood/
Hits: 252 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Oct 14, 2001
DVD Productions - Video to DVD Transfer Service
- DVD Productions is a professional DVD transfer service that specializes in converting home movies and wedding videos to high quality DVD. Preserve your memories today. VHS to DVD. Studio quality transfers at an affordable price.
ID: 2004 URL: http://www.video-on-dvd.com
Hits: 179 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Mar 05, 2002
Grim Rides
- Got some time to kill? Hearse pictures, information, classifieds, message board and more fiendish fun from Grim Rides, a Northern CA based hearse club. We're dying for you to visit.
ID: 2091 URL: http://www.grimrides.com
Hits: 178 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 2 Added: Apr 01, 2002
- A site to adopt your own virtual pet and watch it grow. Open up shops, amusment parks, and much more. Very addictive.
ID: 343 URL: http://www.neopets.com/refer.phtml?username=taraanyakate4eva
Hits: 359 Rating: 7.00 Votes: 9 Added: Sep 13, 2000
Queer Vampires
- Devoted to the intersection of homosexuality and vampires in popular culture. Features a BtVS page, various mentions of the show. May be a useful resource for considering W/T, homoerotic overtones on Angel, etc.
ID: 197 URL: http://www.queerhorror.com/Qvamp/
Hits: 469 Rating: 9.23 Votes: 9 Added: Aug 27, 2000
Ravenshill: The Web-Series
- Inspired (not plagiarized!) from BtVS, this is an original web-series following the (mis)adventures of a young British coven fighting evil.
ID: 3151 URL: http://www.ravenshill.tk
Hits: 118 Rating: 8.21 Votes: 40 Added: Jun 19, 2003
The Pink Room: Where Science Meets Terror.
- A quantum physicist attempts to use string theory to bring back his dead daughter. A novel from award winning journalist Mark LaFlamme. Sample chapter, teaser, short stories and links.
ID: 3690 URL: http://www.marklaflamme.com
Hits: 23 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Oct 08, 2007
Verbatim Mag
- A magazine devoted to what is amusing, interesting, and engaging about the English language and languages in general. Includes a two-part article, from the Summer and Autumn 1999 issues of a linguistics journal, which analyzes the Buffy dialect.
ID: 170 URL: http://www.verbatimmag.com/
Hits: 503 Rating: 6.00 Votes: 5 Added: Aug 25, 2000
- Desktop wallpapers, high-quality wallpapers, every day update, resolutions 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200.
ID: 3661 URL: http://www.wallpaps.com
Hits: 25 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Oct 28, 2007
Watcher's Zone, The
- This site contains quizzes, galleries, bios and more for BtVS/AtS, Vampires, Anne Rice, Highlander and Witchblade.
ID: 1812 URL: http://bindingties.tripod.com/watcherszone/
Hits: 578 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1 Added: Dec 22, 2001