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Perfect Yum, The
- Contains slash and other adult material. Mostly Buffy/Angelus and Buffy/Angel but also contains other couples and general fanfiction. Now accepting submissions!
ID: 3117 URL: http://www.geocities.com/stochey/index.html
Hits: 2545 Rating: 9.50 Votes: 10 Added: May 30, 2003
QueenC's Collection
- This site contains a fanfiction archive with various ratings and pairings, as well as quotes, a ton of links, and other fun things ranging from a drinking game to cartoons and comics.
ID: 2878 URL: http://www.geocities.com/queenc_collection/index.html
Hits: 1097 Rating: 8.21 Votes: 14 Added: Jan 19, 2003
- A personal archive of Katharine's fanfiction, featuring such couples as Giles/Anya, Angel/Cordelia, Willow/Spike and Giles/Cordelia (and various others).
ID: 2323 URL: http://lose-my-faith.net/rapture/
Hits: 1197 Rating: 4.00 Votes: 5 Added: Jun 18, 2002
Saber ShadowKitten's Buffy FanFiction
- Home to many fantastic fan fics all authored by Saber. Houses all varieties including the much loved Buffy/Spike plus some abnormalities including Angel/Spike and Spike/Xander. Also a page titled "Other People's Whacked-out Fic," aka OPWOF, where many other great fan fics writers have stories hosted there. Other features include author quotes, artwork, images and links.
ID: 95 URL: http://www.sabershadowkat.com/btvs2.html
Hits: 3990 Rating: 8.16 Votes: 42 Added: Aug 22, 2000
- A multi-author automated Buffy and Angel fan fiction archive. Submit your own stories or just read.
ID: 3658 URL: http://www.season2ep14.net
Hits: 583 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1 Added: Oct 28, 2007
Secret Panel Fan Fiction
- Secret Panel contains fan fiction, mostly of an adult and/or slash nature (m/m as well as f/f), for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series with occasional crossovers into other fandoms. Home of the "Thrallverse," a BtVS/AtS AU focusing on Riley, Angel and Faith.
ID: 1448 URL: http://www.secret-panel.net
Hits: 1680 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Sep 03, 2001
Somnambulist, The
- Buffy and Angel fan fiction, featuring Faith, Spike, Angel/Darla, and Ethan/Giles.
ID: 1514 URL: http://www.geocities.com/freerose28/
Hits: 762 Rating: 3.00 Votes: 1 Added: Oct 07, 2001
Still My Girl
- A fan fiction site for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Emphasis on Buffy/Angel crossover fiction, but something for everything in the mix. Also includes wallpapers, links, and FantasyBots, Inc., a "company" started by myself and Robin the Crossover Junkie featuring "bots" of practically every character ever to grace the Buffy and Angel scene.
ID: 2079 URL: http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/fanfic/SMGMain.html
Hits: 2063 Rating: 8.17 Votes: 42 Added: Mar 27, 2002
Time and Again
- My fan fiction archive and a small but growing gallery of images.
ID: 2968 URL: http://www.time-and-again.co.uk/
Hits: 677 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Added: Mar 06, 2003
Twisting the Hellmouth
- A huge archive of over 7,000 BtVS crossover stories, and growing at around 200 new stories a month. Our most popular crossovers include Anita Blake, Firefly, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Supernatural, Stargate and X-Men. If it's a crossover story, it's probably here. [Still actively maintained as of late 2007.]
ID: 2850 URL: http://www.tthfanfic.com
Hits: 1483 Rating: 9.76 Votes: 8 Added: Jan 14, 2003
Unfit for Society
- Gateway to the fiction of Pete Meilinger, Meg F. Victoria P. and Yasminke, contains fan fiction for both Buffy and Angel, links, fic recs, and writers' resources.
ID: 1225 URL: http://www.unfitforsociety.net
Hits: 855 Rating: 8.65 Votes: 17 Added: Jul 21, 2001
- A multiple crossover B:tVS based shared Alternate Universe. (Branches in S2.) Buffy Summers is an Immortal Slayer, and co-leader of a covert operations agency called Section Seven. Crossovers include Highlander, Charmed, Bureau 13, D&D, The Pretender, Forever Knight, Casca, The Destroyer, La Femme Nikita, plus many more. Also contains another AU, plus unrelated B:tVS fanfic.
ID: 3173 URL: http://www.wandererverse.com
Hits: 1071 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1 Added: Jun 25, 2003
- Rowan's fanfiction site.
ID: 523 URL: http://winter.rowan.tripod.com/
Hits: 1607 Rating: 8.46 Votes: 20 Added: Nov 06, 2000
Yseult's Passion
- An archive of personal fanfiction and handpicked stories from the best writers. Yseult's Passion invites you to take the darker path.
ID: 2990 URL: http://yseultspassion.com
Hits: 967 Rating: 7.32 Votes: 19 Added: Mar 18, 2003
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