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Amy's Diary
- For your latest news, pictures, and more on Amy Acker.
ID: 2905 URL: http://www.amy-acker.tk
Hits: 712 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 2 Added: Mar 12, 2003
- A Fred site, with information on how to write Fred, lots of fan fiction, music videos, gallery, and lots more!
ID: 2296 URL: http://thegifted1.net/
Hits: 1697 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 9 Added: Jun 07, 2002
Taco Belle
- Proud to be the first Amy Acker website, begun in spring 2001, Taco Belle is jam packed full of images, news, message forum, articles, media, stage and screen credits, fanlisting and then some.
ID: 1000 URL: http://www.allstarz.org/~amyacker/
Hits: 747 Rating: 5.45 Votes: 11 Added: Jun 11, 2001